GAAP Board of Directors


Michael Huneke

Director of Assessment

Marietta City Schools

Vice President

Lynn Janes

Coordinator, Assessment and Performance

Newton County School System


Ericka Wright

District Assessment Coordinator

Bibb County School District


Tony McCullers

Director of Assessment and School Improvement

Oconee County Schools

About Us


The Georgia Assessment and Accountability Professionals (GAAP) was established as a professional group to help support other Georgia public school professionals who work with assessment and accountability. 


Our Purpose:


Promote and support assessment and accountability professionals across the state of
Georgia; and in general, to increase the usefulness and advance the standards, ideals, and welfare
of the profession.  To represent the unique interests and concerns of assessment and accountability
professionals; Provide professional growth of individuals engaged in positions of assessment and
accountability; Encourage and build effective relationships with various stakeholders involved in
assessment and accountability; Facilitate the dissemination of information on higher education principles and practices; Inform the academic and educational community about assessment and accountability
standards and policy statements; and Disseminate research information-related assessment and accountability.




The GAAP organization was born from an informal group of district assessment coordinators from around the state that was originally called the Atlanta Area Test Directors which was led by Beth Kieffer from Forsyth County Schools.  As time went on, districts outside the Atlanta area started to attend the meetings, so for the 2013-2014 school year, the name of the group was changed to Georgia Test Directors.  In the 2018-2019 school year, it was decided that the informal group become a formal group and work was done to create the Georgia Assessment & Accountability Professionals organization.  On February 27, 2019, the first election of officers was held and Beth Kieffer officially turned the group over to the newly elected officers and retired from education at the end of the school year. 


The inaugural GAAP officers were:

President – Dr. Jennifer Scrivner, Cherokee County

Vice President – Tony Jones, Bibb County

Secretary – Tim Keyser, Forsyth County

Treasurer – Brian Butera, Fayette County



Past Presidents

2019 Dr. Jennifer Scrivner - Cherokee County Schools

2020 Anthony (Tony) Jones - Bibb County Schools

2020-2021 Penny Damianeas - Henry County Schools


Past Vice Presidents

2019 Anthony (Tony) Jones - Bibb County Schools

2020-2022 Lisa Wolaver - Social Circle City Schools


Past Secretaries

2019 Tim Keyser - Forsyth County Schools

2019-2020 Dara Foy - Bibb County Schools

2021-2022 Lyn Turnell - Cherokee County Schools


Past Treasurers

2019-2020 Brian Butera - Fayette County Schools

2021-2023 Dara Foy - Bibb County Schools